Virtual Support Group Meetings
Due to COVID-19, we had to cancel in-person meetings and replace with Virtual Meetings, beginning in early 2020. The Zoom communication tool has proven to be most successful for TransplantTalk SC (TTSC) to stay in touch with patients. Some of the benefits include: greater attendance and MYCHART participation from all over the state and beyond, securing the guest speakers is easier, with very pertinent topics, sessions can be recorded and posted on TTSC webpage and health & safety.
All meetings are scheduled for the last Tuesday of the month at 4:30. The standard meeting link is:
And the TTSC webpage link is:

Meetings & Schedule
Aug 29
Sept 26
Oct 31
Nov 28
Dec 28
Meeting Invitations

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us about the Program or other questions about TTSC Fill in your questions or comments, contact info and hit send. We will get back with you. If you would like a Mentor, tap the below mentor request button, fill out the form and hit send.