Events and Announcements
TransplantTalk SC has monthly meetings with speakers focusing on topics related to the Transplant Community and helpful to patients. In addition to the virtual support group meetings, there will be numerous other online webinars or outside events that will be included as they develop. As each is planned and announced with a schedule, they will be added to the list with as much detail as possible. These will also be posted on our TTSC webpage. In addition to activities by TTSC, other groups that may have activities or events will include: MUSC, Donate Life SC, We Are Sharing Hope, Care Dx, The National Kidney Foundation, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us about the Program or other questions about TTSC Fill in your questions or comments, contact info and hit send. We will get back with you. If you would like a Mentor, tap the below mentor request button, fill out the form and hit send.