Frequently Asked Questions

1) Will the mentor be one who has had the same organ transplant as the mentee?

The plan includes providing a mentor recipient who has had the same organ transplant that the pre-transplant is awaiting.

2) Will TTSC have any communication with the transplant center?

The primary communication is with the mentee.  If red flag issues arise and cannot be resolved with the mentee, it is possible some communication will occur with the transplant center.  An example might be if the mentee is not properly staying on the medication plan for some unknown reason.  If cost or possible delivery issues are preventing this, the center may help resolve.

3) Will information shared be kept confidential?

Unless the mentee gives permission to the mentor for some reason to communicate with the transplant center, all communication with be confidential.  This assumes that critical red flags such as the medications one referenced above cannot be resolved.

4) Can you give examples of how you have helped others?

The examples vary and include: a) the mentee has particular reactions to medications that;  the mentor can relate to as they similar reactions; b) giving helpful information for the mentee to help educate others in her church in an effort to ask for a kidney donor; c) describe to the pre-kidney mentee what tools might be used in their effort to ask for a donor; d) describe the process of how organs are allocated; e) describing some successful stories of pre-kidney patients to receive a kidney; f) as a result of improper and rude communication between patient and transplant center professionals, we communicated with the patient advocacy department with news they need to follow-up with; g) answer numerous other questions that focus on making the mentee feel comfortable on their road to a transplant.

5) Does the program cost anything to participate?

NO.  The  mentors have been blessed and want to “pay it forward”, possibly giving them greater comfort level as they maneuver the transplant path.

6) What region do you cover?

The plan was to focus on patients in South Carolina who are listed at MUSC.  However, given the social media feature of our present day, we have assisted folks in Georgia and North Carolina.  It should be noted that particularly with kidneys, patients may be listed at centers in each state.

7) Can you assist more with the resources listed?

YES.  We have included some of the basic resources might require on their road to a transplant.  More resources will be added as we find out about and vet them.  Also, the mentee also has the benefit of communicating with social workers at the transplant center.

REQUEST MENTOR:  If you would like to ask for a Mentee, just tap this button, fill out the form and hit send.