Organ Support Group
Mission Statement
The mission of TTSC is to support pre- and post-transplant patients by providing human and financial resources. The mentee-mentor program has the objective of making the pre-patient feel more comfortable as they navigate the transplant path. Our other primary objective is to help with post-transplant resources. The human and financial resources our experienced group has can benefit the patient during a period one never has faced.
What is TransplantTalk SC?
TransplantTalk SC is an organ support group in the State of South Carolina that provides human and financial support services to Pre-Transplant and Organ Recipient Patients. The primary goal of this group of blessed organ recipients is to help the pre-transplant patient through the potentially very emotional initial period after the patient finds out they must have an organ transplant or their life will be shortened. The following are more features of the Mentor in the group.
- The mentor has experienced the emotional highs and lows of being on the road to a transplant and will help the pre-patient navigate the path;
- The mentor can help the pre-patients on a personal one-on-one level with the typical concerns surrounding transplant;
- The mentor can offer words of encouragement, empathy, and sympathy that only a transplant recipient can offer;
- The mentor has a keen sense of the mental and physical tolls that the pre-patient will potentially experience;
- We mentors have been blessed and the majority of us never had a mentor. We want to “pay it forward” and help these patients through a difficult period.
In addition to the helping one-on-one with the pre-patients, we have provided many of the financial resources in this website that each may need, both pre- and post-transplant. While details are included to make the search for particular needs are given, we are also eager to assist in any way.

lives saved
of donors stay in contact with their recipient
donors and recipients on our board
For more statistics like this, visit

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us, or email us, if you have comments or questions about TransplantTalk SC. Just make your comments or questions below and hit submit. Upon receiving we will get back with you promptly. If you would like a Mentor, tap the below mentor request button, fill out the form and hit send. Likewise upon receiving we will get back with you to answer any questions before commencing.